Who Can Benefit from Calcium Supplements?

Approximately 99% of the calcium in our body contributes to the development and structure of our bones and teeth. Among other things, calcium also helps with blood pressure and muscle contraction. Calcium is critical to the health of our bodies. As a result, there are many different types of people that could benefit from the use of calcium supplements that will ensure they receive all the nutrients they need to keep their body healthy and strong.

People with a Calcium Deficiency

Generally, it is recommended that adults’ should intake 1,300mg of calcium a day to preserve their health. There are conditions where the recommended dosage goes up because of a calcium deficiency. For example, pregnant and breastfeeding women require more to support themselves and their child. Other signs that you are calcium deficient include insomnia, depression, painful PMS symptoms, dental problems, etc. If you are concerned whether you have a calcium deficiency, consult your physician.

People with Weak Bones

Because calcium plays such a major role in our bone density and health, those with weak bones need additional calcium supplementation. It is a natural part of the aging process to lose bone density. Typically, the elderly and postmenopausal women do not retain enough calcium to keep their bones healthy.

A lack of calcium can lead to severe side effects and must be counteracted with medications. For example, some drugs can help reduce vertebral fractures in postmenopausal women where calcium falls short. If you are concerned, talk to your doctor for medication recommendations that will help you avoid weak or brittle bones.

Those with Dietary Constraints

Because calcium is primarily found in dairy products, those that have a lactose intolerance or follow a vegan diet may be low in calcium. Because of this, it is important to find a substitute for your calcium intake. Sources of calcium can be found in green leafy vegetables, fortified breakfast cereals, nuts, grains, and tofu which may serve as dietary supplements. However, if the calcium intake is still not sufficient, supplements may be useful to give you all the nutrients you need.

While calcium is essential for promoting good health, too much calcium can have adverse effects. If you are interested in taking a calcium supplement, talk to your doctor who will recommend what kind and how much to take. Doing so will ensure you keep your body healthy and strong.

We have lots of great supplements to help your body’s daily needs. Learn more about calcium and its benefits here!

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